Our values

Ngā mātāpono

Values are important because they guide our decisions and actions, helping us stay true to what we believe is right. They build trust and consistency in our behaviour and bring people together by creating common ground. Values shape who we are and inspire us to reach our goals. By influencing our choices, values contribute to our sense of fulfillment and well-being, making them essential for a harmonious and meaningful life to oranga.


Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Tauihu will be guided by tikanga Māori (method or protocol) to ensure we are consistently relevant to our people. We are guided by the concepts of tika (right, fair and accurate) and pono (honest, genuine and sincere) to ensure positive change for whānau Māori.

These values are:



Working collaboratively and inclusively with Iwi, mātāwaka, hapori Māori and key stakeholders to achieve hauora within Te Tauihu region.


Guardianship and Protection

Driving governance and leadership in health provision for Iwi, mātāwaka, hapori Māori and key stakeholders to achieve hauora within Te Tauihu region.



Providing Iwi led decisions about health service provision that are tailored to the needs of the community it serves.



We are a powerful catalyst for advancing mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga across health and other sectors, steadfastly upholding the commitments of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Wai 2575 recommendations, and Whakamāua: Māori Health Strategy.


Life essence 

Ensuring the spiritual essence of holistic values is upheld at all times.



Drive the health sector to achieve equity and equality between Māori and other ethnicities living within Te Tauihu region.