What we do
Ā mātou mahi
Our role
‘Partner with those who should,
Monitor those who do, and
Advocate for those who cannot speak’
Ngā kaupapa mahinga
The core purpose of an Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB) is clear and mandated by Sections 29 and 30 of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022.
‘to set priorities, monitor progress, and drive transformation and improvement’
Let’s take decisive action to fulfill these critical objectives.
Hear from our Pouwhakahaere Patricia Joseph speak about the vision for whānau wellbeing in our rohe.
Ngā kaupapa matua
Developing capacity and capability to gather the evidence to inform priorities:
- Rangatahi Mental Health
- Māori hauora providers
- Māori Cardiovascular assessments
- Tāngata whaikaha – disability
- Māori rural access
- Māori Oral Health
- Rongoā Māori
- Diabetes
Māori workforce and leadership development.
- Support Māori nursing training for Marlborough.
- Support Kaupapa Māori Primary care provision.
- Support development of midwifery services.
What this entails:
Understanding what this means in practice involves turning ideas into real actions. It’s about taking concepts and figuring out the specific steps needed to make them happen. This way, we ensure that our plans are clear and doable, helping us achieve our goals smoothly and effectively.
- Increase investment into and availability, accessibility and acceptability of all local wellbeing services.
- Develop Hauora Māori Outcomes Reporting
- All commissioned services align with and deliver against our proposed outcomes.
- Conduct Cultural Audit of all local wellbeing services.
- Expand into all areas of wellbeing – housing, social support, cultural development, education, and infrastructure.
Pae Ora Act and accountability
Section 29 of the Pae Ora Act sets out the purpose of IMPBs to represent local Māori perspectives on:
- the needs and aspirations of Māori in relation to hauora Māori outcomes;
- how the health sector is performing in relation to those needs and aspirations; and
- the design and delivery of services and public health interventions within localities.
Section 30 of the Pae Ora Act sets out that an IMPB has the following functions:
- to engage with whānau and hapū about local health needs, and communicate the results and insights from that engagement to Health New Zealand and Manatū Hauora:
- to evaluate the current state of hauora Māori in the relevant locality for the purpose of determining priorities for improving hauora Māori:
- to work with Health New Zealand in agreeing to locality plans
- to monitor the performance of the health sector in a relevant locality.

Hauora Māori Providers Full Playback
Read through our Hauora Māori providers Full Playback document.

Hauora Māori Providers High-Level Playback
Read through our Hauora Māori Providers High-Level Playback document.

Whānau Voice Report: Volume 1
Read through our first whāna voice report with insights from over 300 of our whānau.